10 Tools Of Ms Excel

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Microsoft Excel is a standout amongst the most prominent software of making sheets with over a billion clients. It is being utilized to making outlines, tables, reports, recognizing patterns, and organizing information, and so on. However, it accompanies some splendid capacities that improve efficiency, it has its own particular downsides also. It is very costly and not accessible on every one of the platforms. Besides, it doesn't have dependable coordinated effort and sync components, and it additionally needs numerous customization choices. Luckily, Microsoft Excel is by all account not the only worksheet creation device accessible in the business sector. There are numerous other Office suites with Excel choices accessible both free and paid that can be a decent substitution to Microsoft Excel in specific circumstances. This article discusses 10 such alternatives to Microsoft Excel that let you make sheets, and have a knack of tabulated data always at your disposal.

Every Excel user has a favourite tip. So we decided to bring some method, data, and science to bear in this hotly debated topic, and to come up with the Top 10 Excel Features. We consulted the research of 30 of the world's leading Excel experts as well as our own internal Excel experts. MS Excel has numerous tools and features that make one's work easy and saves one's time also. To use MS Excel to the best of its ability one must know its benefits and advantages. Following are the ten best uses of MS Excel: Uses of Microsoft Excel: Analyzing and storing data. What is MS Excel used for in the workplace? What is replacing microsoft access. Some of the most common business uses are business analysis, managing human resources, performance reporting, and operations management. We know this for a fact after analysing job data (using MS Excel by the way). Keep reading to find out the top 10 business uses of Excel. Top 10 Best Free Microsoft Excel Alternative Tools January 22, 2017 By Admin Microsoft Excel is a standout amongst the most prominent software of making sheets with over a billion clients. Kutools for Excel: 120 Powerful New Features for Excel. Office Tab: Tabbed Editing and Browsing in Office, Just Like Chrome, Firefox, IE 8/9/10. If you are a fan of the classic style interface, finding a specific function, from the former Tools menu, in the new ribbon interface can be a challenge!

Google Sheets

Google Sheets can be an extraordinary free online different option for Excel because of its comparative components with included functionalities. Google Sheets is a program based spreadsheet apparatus with every one of the components comparable to Excel. Aside from what Excel can offer, Google Sheets offers extraordinary joint effort devices, distributed storage and sharing information continuously.
Various individuals can alter a sheet in the meantime and all the information will be spared and matched up continuously. All your information will be shared in Google Drive, which can be gotten from any gadget any place. Moreover, you can likewise utilize Google scripts to build Sheets. They work like plugins that will give you a chance to include additional sidebars, alter the menu, add dialogs and other such functionalities. You can even make your own particular scripts as per your need. Also, Google Sheets gives you a chance to open, alter and spare Excel documents with the assistance of a chrome expansion.
In spite of the fact that, it is ought to be remembered that Google Sheets is still a web application, so it will require more assets to work legitimately.

Numbers (For Mac & iOs Only)

In the event that you are an iOS or Macintosh OS X client, then you ought to pick Numbers rather than Microsoft Excel. Number is an implicit spreadsheet making an instrument in Apple gadgets that is totally free at this point. Dissimilar to Google Sheets which will make you feel a touch home in the event that you are as of now an Excel client, Numbers has a totally distinctive methodology and interface.
There are no lines and segments when you begin a sheet, rather you are given distinctive formats to browse (made by Apple itself). You can make astounding outlines and tables for every need of yours.
Because of its inherent formats and capacity to do whatever you like, this device is ideal for both learners and force clients.

Microsoft Excel Online

If you're truly searching for a duplicate of Microsoft Excel then Microsoft Office online could be an incredible option. It is a Microsoft Office suite that is available only online with minor expansion of components, and does not have some force client elements of the desktop application, for example, macros, mail union, Group Painter, shading, fringes and the strip, and so forth.

It offers better than average coordinated effort apparatuses (may be not on a par with Google Sheets), and spares everyone of the archives to OneDrive or Dropbox. The spring and matching up is continuous and you get some included inquiry devices also.

The primary downside is that it doesn't have any sort of disconnected from the net variant. In the event that you don't have admittance to the web, the application is practically futile. As it is online, stacking immense information can prompt slacks and disappointment.

Zoho Sheets

Zoho Sheets is another office suite that offers a different option for Excel. The suite is not that rich when contrasted head-to-head with Microsoft Excel, yet it has some special components too.

It has some powerful arrangement of cooperation instruments; it spares and matches up sheets to Zoho's distributed storage. In spite of the fact that, it has a free form, yet it is restricted. The free form will get all the required elements alongside 1 GB of capacity. In the event that you need more space and some other security and cooperation flexibility, you will need to pay.


Smartsheet is an astonishing online different option for Excel with elements of the organization. Be that as it may, much the same as Excel, this is not a free instrument. You will simply get a 30 days trial and after that, you will need to pay on month to month or yearly premise. Smartsheet can do practically anything Excel can do, yet it includes some additional control and customization alternatives.

Much the same as Apple's Numbers, you will begin with a clear report and you can utilize a format to begin your work. The device can be a bit tough for some amateur clients, however, there are tips and video directions given in the software. You can without much of a stretch re do lines and sections with complete control over their visuals.

Some of its remarkable components incorporate Gantt and Timetable perspective, talk and record connection on assignments, planning and custom reports.

Apache OpenOffice Calc

In the event that you are an enthusiast of Open-source programming and searching for a free option, then Apache OpenOffice is a decent decision. It is totally free and doesn't confine any sort of prerequisite elements.

Nonetheless, it is not a very good contender to Microsoft Office or Excel because of its constrained elements and somewhat complex directions. The interface is not that awful and shows simple to swallow data, yet the alternatives are clarified very inadequately. It offers numerous elements like formats, mail union, style chief, headers and footers, outlines and numerous others.

LibreOffice Calc

LibreOffice is another free and Open-source apparatus and it is really in light of same source code as OpenOffice. Notwithstanding, it has been abundantly adjusted; offers distinctive elements and accompanies astonishing similarity with reports. Much the same as OpenOffice, it likewise accompanies an Excel option named Calc.

The interface is entirely like an old rendition of Microsoft Office like Office 2003, however, the components are sufficiently effective to battle against the most recent adaptations. It is additionally known for opening outdated adaptations of Microsoft office reports that individuals don't even utilize now.

Some of its interesting elements incorporate, Convenient adaptation, diverse macros dialect, multi-stage bolster, expansions and import design groups.


Gnumeric is another option allowed to utilize Open-source device in this rundown. As the name proposes, Gnumeric works best to handle numeric information. On the off chance that you utilize Excel for overseeing records and other comparable things, then Gnumeric may be a superior and quicker decision.

Gnumeric runs even on an exceptionally basic desktop system and amazingly light on other PC platforms. This will give you a chance to process a huge number of sections with no sort of slack that you may see in Excel. Because of its fundamental configuration and usefulness, it won't be great at importing different records with huge data.

Its counts are tried by the experts and they are as precise as Excel with much speedier results and preparing. If you are searching for a free and quick different option for Excel computations, Gnumeric ought to be a glad substitution.


PlanMaker is really intended to be a less expensive different option for Excel, and is all open. In spite of the fact that, it is still not superior to Microsoft Excel, but it is close and cooperates great with Excel records.

Moving records from Excel to PlanMaker will never prompt change in information structure. The interface is additionally entirely like Excel, so you won't get stayed with adapting new things.

10 Tools Of Ms Excel Formulas

Moreover, arranging can be effortlessly styled; shading can be utilized for both highlighting and composing, to make your sheets appealing. It accompanies a 30 day trial with full usefulness to check out the device and after that you will need to settle on paid bundles.

WPS office suite

In the event that you are enthusiastic about altering sheets on your cell phone, then you may get a kick out of the chance to experiment with WPS Office Suite. It is an Excel elective for your cell phone that makes altering a zippy. Obviously, it can't generally contend straightforwardly against the desktop application, however it makes it extremely easy to have minor to normal alters from your phone for nothing.

The application has a truly clean outline with all data given before you. Despite the fact that, it is a full Office suite, however when you will stack a Sheet, it will naturally load altering choices for a spreadsheet.

It coordinates with Dropbox to spare every archive and synchronize them over every gadget of yours. Best of everything, it doesn't require any sort of record, not at all like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets for cell phone.

Saurav is associated with IT industry and computers for more than a decade and is writing on The Geek Page on topics revolving on windows 10 and softwares.

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Ms Excel is used very widely nowadays by everyone because it is very helpful and it helps in saving a lot of time. It is being used for so many years and it gets upgraded every year with new features. The most impressive thing about MS Excel is that it can be used anywhere for any kind of work. For example, it is used for billing, data management, analysis, inventory, finance, business tasks, complex calculations, etc. One can even do mathematical calculations using this and can also store important data in it in the form of charts or spreadsheets.

MS Excel provides security to your files so that no one else can see your files or ruin them. With the help of MS Excel, you can keep your files password protected. MS Excel can be accessed from anywhere and everywhere. You can even work on MS Excel using mobile if you don't have laptops. There are so many benefits of using MS Excel that it has become an inevitable part of lives of millions of people. MS Excel has numerous tools and features that make one's work easy and saves one's time also.

To use MS Excel to the best of its ability one must know its benefits and advantages. Following are the ten best uses of MS Excel:

Uses of Microsoft Excel: Analyzing and storing data

One of the best uses of MS Excel is that you can analyze larger amounts of data to discover trends. With the help of graphs and charts, you can summarize the data and store it in an organized way so that whenever you want to see that data then you can easily see it. It becomes easier for you to store data and it will definitely save a lot of time for you.

Once the data is stored in a systematic way, it can be used easily for multiple purposes. MS Excel makes it easier to implement various operations on the data through various tools that it possesses. Iomega external hard drive not showing up in my computer.

Uses of Microsoft Excel: Excel tools make your work easier

There are so many tools of MS Excel that make your work extremely easy and save your time as well. There are wonderful tools for sorting, filtering and searching which all the more make you work easy. If you will combine these tools with tables, pivot tables etc. then you will be able to finish your work in much less time. Multiple elements can be searched easily from large amounts of data to help solve a lot of problems and questions.

Uses of Microsoft Excel: Data recovery and spreadsheets

Another best use of MS Excel is that if your data gets lost then you can recover it without much inconvenience. Suppose, there is a businessman who has stored his important data in MS Excel and somehow it gets lost or the file gets damaged then he must not worry as with the new MS Excel XML format one can restore the lost or damaged file data.

The next important use is that there are spreadsheets in MS Excel which also makes your work easy and with the help of new Microsoft MS Excel XML format you can reduce the size of the spreadsheet and make things compact easily.

Uses of Microsoft Excel: Mathematical formulas of MS Excel make things easier

Next best use of MS Excel is that it makes easy for you to solve complex mathematical problems in a much simpler way without much manual effort. There are so many formulas in MS Excel and by using these formulas you can implement lots of operations like finding sum, average, etc. on a large amount of data all at once. Therefore, people use MS Excel whenever they have to solve complex mathematical problems or they need to apply simple mathematical functions on tables containing larger data.

Uses of Microsoft Excel: Security


The chief use of MS Excel is that it provides security for excel files so people can keep their files safe. All the files of MS Excel can be kept password-protected through visual basic programming or directly within the excel file. People store their important data in the MS Excel so that they can keep their data in an organized way and save their time as well. Almost every person wants his files to be password protected so that no one is able to see them or ruin them so here MS Excel solves this problem very efficiently.

Uses of Microsoft Excel: Add sophistication to data presentations

Next use of MS Excel is that it helps you in adding more sophistication to your data presentations which means that you can improve the data bars, you can highlight any specific items that you want to highlight and make your data much more presentable easily.

Suppose you have stored data in MS Excel and you want to highlight something that is important so then you can do that through the various features of data presentations available in MS Excel. You can even make the spreadsheets more attractive on which you have stored data.

Uses of Microsoft Excel: Online access

Another use of MS Excel is that it can be accessed online from anywhere and everywhere which means that you can access it from any device and from any location whenever you want. It provides the facility of working conveniently which means that if you don't have laptops then you can use mobile and do your work easily without any problem. Therefore, due to the large amount of flexibility that MS Excel provides, people like to work on MS Excel so that they can comfortably work without worrying about their device or location.

Uses of Microsoft Excel: Keeps data combined at one location

Another interesting use of MS Excel is that you can keep all your data at one location. This will help you in saving your data from getting lost. It will keep all your data in one place and then you will not have to waste your time in searching for the files. So it will save your time and whenever need be, you can look up the categorized and sorted data easily.

Uses of Microsoft Excel: Helps businessmen in developing future strategy

You can represent data in the form of charts and graphs so it can help in identifying different trends. With the help of MS Excel, trend lines can be extended beyond graph and therefore, it helps one in analyzing the trends and patterns much easier. In business, it is very important to analyze the popularity of goods or the selling pattern that they follow to maximize sales. MS Excel simplifies this task and helps businessmen grow and maximize profits through the same.

Uses of Microsoft Excel: Manage expenses

MS Excel helps in managing expenses. Suppose if a doctor is earning around 50,000 per month then he will make some expenses as well and if he wants to know how much he is exactly spending per month then he can do it with the help of MS Excel easily. He can write his monthly income as well as expenses in the excel tables and then he can get to know that how much he is spending and he can thus, control his expenses accordingly.

10 Tools Of Ms Excel Spreadsheets

There are a lot of benefits of using MS Excel, which is why it is used worldwide by people for performing so many tasks. It not only saves time but also it makes the work easier. It can almost perform every type of task. For example, you can do mathematical calculations and you can also make graphs as well as charts for storing the data. It becomes easy for the businessman to calculate things and store data in it.

You can store a large amount of data in the MS Excel and analyze it as well. It helps in keeping the data combined in one place so that data does not get lost and one does not waste time in finding a particular data. Due to these factors, it has become such a popular software and we have become habitual of using it.

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